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A tri-national consortium on amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and fronto-temporal dementia

Wissenschaftliche Veranstaltungen für wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs (Forschungsateliers, Sommerschulen)


U Ulm - U Strasbourg (INSERM)

France, Germany and Switzerland are at the forefront of ALS/FTD research, and multiple franco-german studies have been published in the last years. The objective of this meeting is to bring the most relevant experts from France, Germany and Switzerland together with young investigators (PhD students, post-docs) in order to foster new collaborations. The aims are to integrate young researchers to the ALS/FTD community by providing them an opportunity to meet and interact with top-level researchers in all three countries, and to accelerate interactions between ALS and FTD researchers of the three countries to ease the build-up of bilateral (eg ANR/DFG, ANR/SNF) grant applications, or multi-lateral grant applications (eg e-Rare, JPND).

Zusätzliche Informationen:

3 Tage im März 2019, Günzburg

Programmbeauftragter (D): Prof. Dr. Albert Ludolph

Programmbeauftragter (F): Luc Dupuis

Telefon: +49 731 17 71 20 0

E-Mail: albert.ludolph@rku.de

Ansprechpartner: Magdalena Hall

Telefon: +49 731 50 06 63 85

E-Mail: Magdalena.Hall@uniklinik-ulm.de

Letzte Aktualisierung: 16. September 2018