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Biology at different scales : interplay between physics and integrative biology

Wissenschaftliche Veranstaltungen für wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs (Forschungsateliers, Sommerschulen)


MPI für Biophysikalische Chemie, Göttingen - U Grenoble Alpes

The school will focus on the interplay between physics and biology to describe and understand biology at different scales, from the molecules at atomic level to cells and living organisms. The school is aimed for PhD students and early-stage researchers. Participants will learn how a biological problem can be tackled using an integrated approach, going from atomic resolution to the level of a whole organism level. The school also aims at showing how physics can contribute to model biological processes. Several topics will be covered: cell and tissue morphogenesis, role of membranes at mesoscopic and molecular scales: remodelling and transport processes, concepts and methods from physics applied to biology, state-of-the-art experimental approaches, links between cellular and structural biology. The concepts and methods will be illustrated by the exemplary coverage of two research fields, Plant morphogenesis from gene to flowers, and Exocytosis, morphology and transport at the synapse.


Zusätzliche Informationen:

27.05. - 07.06.2019, Les Houches

Programmbeauftragter (D): Prof. Dr. Reinhard Jahn

Programmbeauftragter (F): Eva Pebay-Peyroula

Telefon: +49 551 201 1635

E-Mail: rjahn@gwdg.de

Ansprechpartner: Anny Glomot

Telefon: +33 4 57 04 10 42

E-Mail: anny.glomot@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr

Letzte Aktualisierung: 23. September 2018