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French-German Conference on Mathematical Image Analysis (FGMIA)

Atelier de recherche


ENSICAEN - TU Kaiserslautern

This is the first edition of the French-German Mathematical Image Analysis. The scientific program includes invited lectures at the interface between research in applied mathematics (PDE’s, Statistics, Sparsity, Variational methods, Inverse Problems, Optimization, Geometrical modeling, etc.) and new developments in various areas of imaging sciences, computer vision and high-dimensional data processing related to mathematical topics including Motion, Restoration, Compressed sensing, Natural image modeling, Neuro-imaging, etc..

Site Internet:

Responsable de programme (all.): Gabriele Steidl

Responsable de programme (fr.): Monsieur Jalal Fadili

Courriel: Jalal.Fadili@greyc.ensicaen.fr

dernière mise á jour: 17. mai 2018