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École d’été franco-allemande sur la microscopie à force atomique en mode noncontact et électrostatique

Écoles d'été et d'hiver franco-allemandes


C’Nano PACA Marseille - U Osnabrück

The major objective of the Summer School is to teach the basics of Noncontact atomic force microscopy (NC-AFM) and related techniques like Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) and starting from this basis to provide a deeper insight into specific fields on a high scientific level. The teaching will not only include the foundations and theory of the techniques but it will also demonstrate their potential and applications. The Summer School will have a multi-disciplinary character as the discussed techniques have equally important application in fields like surface physics and chemistry, nanoscience and even bioscience.

Cette Ecole d’été est cofinancée par l’Ambassade de France à Berlin.

Site Internet:

Responsable de programme (all.): Michael Reichling

Responsable de programme (fr.): Monsieur Clemens Barth

Courriel: barth@cinam.univ-mrs.fr

dernière mise á jour: 17. mai 2018