MyoGrad Research Atelier
Charité Berlin - U Versailles
This atelier is focuses strongly on ongoing projects within the MyoGrad consortium. The graduate school includes currently 35 students at different stages of their PhD. Given this large size of a graduate school and such high number of different projects, it is of special responsibility to i) stimulate interaction between existing collaborations, to ii) provide a platform whereby all ongoing projects become visible to all students in principal investigators, to iii) use an atelier as the possibility to address research problems and find suitable solutions and possible interactions with other laboratories to solve these problems, to iv) develop novel collaborations between French-German partners.
Programmbeauftragter (D): Univ. Prof. Dr. med. Simone Spuler
Programmbeauftragter (F): Helge Amthor
Ansprechpartner: Susanne Wissler
Telefon: +49 30 450 540 504
Letzte Aktualisierung: 17. May 2018