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The role of the future in economic and political sociology: between stabilizing expectations and extending crisis / Historical perspectives on neoliberalism: Political economy since 1970

Manifestations scientifiques pour jeunes chercheurs (ateliers de recherche, Écoles d'été)


FNSP Paris - MPI für Gesellschaftsforschung, IFiS PAN Warsovie

The workshops will bring closer togehter perspectives from economic sociology with themes of political economy an economic and political history, thus consolidating both the research agenda at MaxPo an at the MPIfG in Cologne, and the MaxPo Center’s key focus on doctoral training. The workshops are directly anchored in the work of the research groups in Paris and Cologne led by Jenny Andersson and Professor Jens Beckert.

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Plus d'informations:

Novembre 2017 (Cologne) et mai 2018 (Paris)

Responsable de programme (all.): Jens Beckert

Responsable de programme (fr.): Madame Jenny Andersson, Marcin Serafin

Courriel: jenny.andersson@sciencespo.fr

Interlocuteur / Interlocutrice: Allison Rovny

Courriel: allison.rovny@sciencespo.fr

dernière mise á jour: 17. mai 2018