Integrability in Gauge Theories
Écoles d'été et d'hiver franco-allemandes
CEA Saclay - U Hamburg
The school will focus on the applications of integrability to problems in statistical physics and quantum field theory. Particular emphasis will be given to the exact solution of planar N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory and its relation with string theory on the one hand, and the exact determination of the low-energy physics of N=2 super-Yang-Mills theory on the other. The purpose of the school is to bring together young researchers and specialists from statistical and condensed matter physics, gauge and string theory and mathematics and to stimulate cross-fertilization of these research areas.
Plus d'informations:
Responsable de programme (all.): Volker Schomerus
Responsable de programme (fr.): Madame Didina Serban
Interlocuteur / Interlocutrice: Madame Flora Gheno
dernière mise á jour: 17. mai 2018